I'm teething....

This might sound weird to those of you who know me....I mean I am twenty-eight years old...don't most people stop teething when they're like...3. Well I've always been a late bloomer in the teeth department.

You see its my wisdom teeth...they're coming in. For years and years dentists have been telling me that my wisdom teeth...since they hadn't come up yet...were probably never going to come up. Most gave a definite response of ...NO. However, they were all wrong.

At the moment it is 1:53 am....and I can count my heartbeat in my gums....this is not normal. My right eye might just burst forth from its eye socket at any moment...so stayed tuned for that. But other than that I'm fine.

I've decided that when my kids start teething I am going to have a greater appreciation for the event...appreciation and coma inducing drugs... cause nobody should have to actually live through this.

Well, Lindsey...what have you done to try and remedy this pain??? (I hear you asking this)

Currently the IB Profen count is at 10 (those being taken within the last two hours). I'm not sure that's healthy...and it sure isn't working.

I have also put heating pads on my sore inflamed parts...and when that didn't work have been sucking on ice. If I had a teething ring I would definitely be using it. (Also something to note...3 is the current count of ice cubes that I have swallowed WAY too soon...causing choking and then throat freeze)

I have also tried Nyquil...why Nyquil you ask....well it has pain reliever in the description as well as strong sleeping medications. However...apparently neither of these so-called active ingredients are currently working...so my next course of action will be writing the makers of Nyquil a scathing letter.

And thats about it. My mouth hurts. The end.


Tyler Heaps said...

I have never had my wisdom teeth either! All of my dentists have told me that I'll never get them. I was so happy. Thanks for bursting my bubble!

Alicia said...


So sorry to hear about your wicked teeth! That's such a LAME reason to miss sleep. I mean really...any other reason would be more enjoyable...if you were robbing a bank, plotting a TP revenge mission, or hiking Timp--to get there to see the sunrise, {insert sounds of birds chirping, love blossoming, and Alicia gagging here}...things would be much happier.

I feel your pain. I really, really do.


Mary Ann said...

They sale night time teething gel...I tell you what it works. I wanted to know why my daughter was making nasty food looks when i put it in her mouth, So I tried it. It works....way to well. Especially when you are at Chili's trying to drink anything...