Little She/He Hawes

And so it begins.....


Sore Parts...check

Frequent Bathroom Breaks...check

Weird pains...check

Squealing Grandparents....check

House with room for baby....still workin on it...figure baby can live in drawer til it's at least 3 months...oh and I'm totally kidding...please don't call child welfare services already....

Little She/He Hawes will be coming to earth around March 24, 2010....start your countdowns.


Trent & Emily Davies said...

YEAH!!! Congrats on the new little addition to the family. Can't wait to find out what you are having!! Hope the sickness doesn't last too long for you. You now need to blog more often so we can stay up to date with all prego/baby news!!

Amanda said...

Congratulations! That is exciting news. I hope your pregnancy goes well and look forward to future updates!

Andrea said...

Super Exciting!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

Courtney and Nate said...

Wow! Congratulations! Babies are so fun...pregnancy, not so much. Good luck with everything!

The Shawcrofts said...

Oh my gosh, YAY!!! I'm so excited for you!!! So how far along are you? Congratulations! Did I mention how excited I am for you? SO excited!

The Shawcrofts said...

By the way, I was re-reading your post and I kind of hope that you have a boy, because then it would be He Hawes and that kind of makes me laugh. Hee Hawes!

Emily Frame said...

i know this sounds weird but my womb is seriously huge compared to yours. the fetus takes up approximately l/49th of it and yours is looking snug. is my baby a dwarf?

jessie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I saw your avatar on FB was an u/s photo and I had to hurry on up over to your blog to see if there was an update... (one of these days I'll enter all of the blogs I stalk in my google reader :). So when is your due date?! HOW EXCITING! Littles are the BEST! :)