Drama, Drama, Drama

My daughter has become a drama queen. This is the face we see whenever we say things like: "Avery, scoot back from the TV," or "Sorry, it's all gone," or "Nope, don't touch that."

Drama, Drama, Drama. Greg can't deal.

All Hallow's Eve

So I saw this idea on pinterest...only they wanted like $90 for the costume and I said to myself I could make that...so here she is...


She absolutely LOVED trick-or-treating. She literally ran from house to house. Once she got to the door she would hold out her bucket until the homeowner came and then after receiving her candy she would blow them kisses goodbye. I think she might have actually thought she was a Queen.

Here she is finally figuring out what it was they were putting in her bucket...she's a very social child...so I think she would have gone around knocking on doors and smiling and waving at people even if they weren't handing out candy. Candy was just a cherry on top.